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Sheep - Summer Grazing & Winter Feed
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Every livestock manager utilizing pasture is concerned about drought.  Rather than having to feed expensive hay or sell animals when your cool season pastures slow down, we recommend planning ahead.  After soil temperatures reach at least 65 degrees in late May, we recommend planting FSM Brand Cow Candy II BMR sorghum-sudan alone or with Barenbrug T-Raptor rape or Barkant turnips.

beef-forage1By establishing before soil moisture becomes lacking, Cow Candy II BMR will develop enough root to produce excellent tonnage on about 25% of the moisture needed to grow corn.  Adding turnips, increases the protein content of the forage.  In years when extra summer grazing is not needed, Cow Candy II BMR can be harvested for additional highly digestible, high energy winter feed.  Despite the name, sheep love it too! 


Sheep Forage Products:

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