Barblanca ladino clover is a very aggressive large leaf white clover—combining high production and strong persistence. It is a high quality forage perfect for any ruminant, including cattle, sheep, goats, and deer. Barblanca is highly palatable and highly digestible. And unlike other clovers, it is especially well suited for grazing due to is exceptional persistence.
Barblanca is a perennial legume which not only spreads by producing seed heads but also through above ground stems known as stolons. As a legume, Barblanca produces nitrogen through nitrogen fixation. Barblanca is pre-inoculated with bacteria to promote an optimal amount of nitrogen fixation. Also, Barblanca is coated with Barenbrug’s exclusive Yellow Jacket coating. Yellow Jacket coating, a compound that absorbs a minimum of six hundred (600) times its weight in water and increases healthy plant establishment.
White Clover:
White clover is a perennial legume, which spreads by branching stolons. Like all other legumes, it produces its own Nitrogen. Recently, farm trials have shown that these newer varieties release higher levels of Nitrogen to the companion grass than older varieties. White clover is mainly used in grazing pastures for its high protein and energy values. Recent studies show an increased dry-matter intake of 2-pounds per cow per day when white clover is added to the grass. A good mixture of grass and white clover can yield as much as pure grass which receives 175-pounds of Nitrogen per acre.
Download Technical Bulletin: Ladino Clover
Download Supplemental Flyer: F-29 Barblanca 2
Download Supplemental Flyer: F-29 Barblanca 1